Franco Favento (de i favento de Trieste): Vigilia de Nadal

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"Vigilia de Nadal" xe una canzon che go scrito el 4 setembre 2008. Per favor no steme dir che la xe una canzon de nadal, grazie :-)
Le divesrse trace audio ga dentro sti strumenti qua:
  • baso
  • chitara eletrica solista
  • chitara eletrica ritmica
  • gran cassa e tom (tamburi)
  • charleston
  • ride e crash (piati)
  • voxe

El file el xe codificado in formado ogg-vorbis e mp3 e 'l dura circa 4 minuti e mezo.

"Vigilia de Nadal" is a song I did write on the september 4 2008. While the title means "Christmas eve" she's not a christmas song :-)
The different working audio tracks contains the following instruments:
  • bass guitar
  • solo electric guitar
  • rithmic electric guitar
  • kick and toms drums
  • hi-hat
  • crash and ride
  • voice

The song file is coded in the ogg-vorbis and mp3 format and it last nearly 4 minutes and a half.

Per scarigar la canzon in formato mp3 (2.230.984 bytes) basta acetar la licenza strucando el boton qua de soto. To download the song it in mp3 format (2,230,984 bytes) suffice to accept the license pressing the button here under.
Download Vigilia de Nadal in mp3 format: no, grazie / no, thanks

Per scarigar la canzon in formato OGG Vorbis (2.606.066 bytes) basta acetar la licenza strucando el boton qua de soto. To download the song in OGG Vorbis format (2.606.066 bytes) it suffice to accept the license pressing the button here under.
Download Vigilia de Nadalin OGG Vorbis format: no, grazie / no, thanks
Per scarigar el testo basta acetar la licenza strucando el boton qua de soto. To download the song's lyrics it suffice to accept the license pressing the button here under.
Download Vigilia de Nadal lyrics: no, grazie / no, thanks